Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week 20, Year 2: Dahlia Woes

I'm killing a dahlia. Last week, on the first 80 degree day of the year, we purchased this hybrid dahlia with cheery yellow flowers. It seemed to be a great addition to the garden and I was hopeful that it would provide us with sunny cheer every time we stepped outside.

9 days later, and there are no vestiges of its former cheeriness (well, it really only took it 2 days to kill it). Honestly, it just never seemed happy in the pot, it leaned and never perked back up. We just haven't had enough warm weather to keep it happy. It has drooped over and basically given up.

It came with a 1 year guarantee, so I have to believe it could come back with warm weather and sun, but how long do I wait? It seems to get worse by the day and I'm afraid it will start to depress the other flowers.

In an act of frustration, I also decided to plant the struggling verbena with the dahlia, figuring they deserve each other. That way, if they both give up on me, I can just wash my hands of them at the same time.

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