Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 16 - Year 1: Midnight Traveler

A few weekends ago, we got home late from dinner around 11:30pm and I had to water the plants late at night. When I stepped outside, I noticed we had a new guest. A tiny frog had somehow climbed four stories to rest on one of our columns. He must have been a very strong climber and some how shimmied his way up the brick posts that hold up the decks. He was breathing heavily (you will notice his tongue is hanging out) and I was worried about scaring him, so I quickly stepped back inside without watering anything.

Of course, we quickly disturbed his privacy and started a photo shoot, which probably did not help him calm down from the climb. My husband suggested he might need water, so he subtlely placed a bowl of water next to the little guy. I'm not sure if he used it, but we both hoped he might like to stay if we set up a plush place for him.

Sadly, when we woke up the next morning, our froggy visitor was gone. The only thing in the bowl was a small lady bug trying to tread water. While we were sad to see him go, we enjoyed our visit with our amphibian friend and hope he made it back down safely.

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