After a fairly uneventful, but beautiful September, the frost rolled in with the first of October. I had to deliver the death chop to almost all of my plants in order to save them for next year. It was pretty heartbreaking, but yesterday, I painstakingly cut all of their growth and brought them inside. Eventually, I plan to bring the pots down to our storage room in the parking lot/basement of our apartment building. It is actually not a "dry" storage area, so the semi-dampness might be the perfect hibernation zone. However, because it is four floors below, and I will need to keep watering the pots throughout the winter, the newly sheared containers are hanging out in our bathroom.
The frost is supposed to go away next week, so I plan to let the containers enjoy a few more days of sun before sending them into official hibernation. The only container that avoided the chop was the newest container of mums, which are supposed to be frost resistant - we shall see on that one though.
A couple others made it indoors to see how they make it throughout the winter.
Otherwise, it is time to start enjoying the store bought cut flowers.
Stay tuned for some final thoughts on this summer's success. But, for now, enjoy the rest of the pictures of the destruction: